“The Treasure of Lemon Brown” by Walter Dean Myers is a coming of age story where an adolescent boy learns a valuable lesson about the importance of family from an unlikely source. It is set in an urban neighborhood in Harlem, New York after the first World War.
This product includes:
- An activating reading strategy— make predictions
- Story mapping graphic organizer—featuring a focus on setting, conflict, theme, and characters
- Figurative language chart and analysis — featuring a focus on hyperbole, simile, idiom, onomatopoeia, and personification
- Short story analysis/reading comprehension questions — featuring a focus on inferences, imagery, character motivations, resolutions, and symbolism
- Constructed response question for students to reflect on the short story using their own personal experience
- Answer keys
This resource includes both ready-to-print (PDF) and editable (word document) copies.
Walter Dean Myers is an African American author known for writing young adult literature, such as the novel Monster. The short story “The Treasure of Lemon Brown” would be great practice for students to analyze literature during Black History Month. The full text can be found online.
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