“The Pedestrian” is a dystopian short story by Ray Bradbury (set in year 2053) which draws eerie parallels to society’s obsession with technology today. The story is less than 500 words, so it’s a quick read; however, it’s FULL of figurative language, imagery, and ethical/social dilemmas that operate as great conversation catalysts.
“The Pedestrian” Reading Comprehension Questions and Activities include:
- Before reading questions to build anticipation
- Vocabulary from the short story with answer keys
- Reading questions for reading comprehension with answer keys
- After reading questions to focus on literary elements like mood, theme, irony, conflict, and symbolism with answer keys
- Figurative language and quote analysis graphic organizer that focuses on metaphors, similes, personification, imagery, and symbolism with answer keys
- Fishbowl discussion project with teacher instructions, student guides, and thought-provoking questions to be completed after reading