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Home » Ender’s Game Introduction Lesson — Science Fiction Genre & Author Bio

Ender’s Game Introduction Lesson — Science Fiction Genre & Author Bio


This resource includes introductory activities for the novel Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card.

Tap into students’ existing knowledge using engaging strategies designed to focus learning.

First, students will complete an activating strategy to pique their interest in the novel.

Next, introduce students to the world of Ender’s Game. The focus of this lesson includes: Author information on Orson Scott Card, information about Ender’s Game and its publication, the genre of Science Fiction and its literary characteristics.

In this lesson, your students will be engaged as they take notes from a Powerpoint presentation using the accommodating worksheet provided.

Students will answer questions at the end of the lesson that allow them to make personal connections to themes in the novel.

This introductory lesson enhances the overall reading experience for students and supports deeper reading comprehension.

Included in this resource:

1) Teacher guide (pdf)

2) First Lines Worksheet (pdf)

3) Introduction lesson (powerpoint)

4) Guided notes worksheet (pdf)

5) EDITABLE First Lines WS (word doc)

6) EDITABLE Guided notes WS (word doc)